What is the Purpose of School Assemblies? 5 Things to Know

School assembly programs have been used for decades. Some schools choose to incorporate them annually, by annually, while other places of education choose to have them only once every few years. Unfortunately, we don’t have enough information on how they are going to impact the students as well as the teachers, so if you want … Read more

7 Groundbreaking Inventions that Changed the World

Have you ever stopped to think about how different our lives would be without certain inventions? I mean, can you imagine a world without the telephone, the internet, or the automobile? It’s mind-boggling! In this article, we’ll take a trip down memory lane and explore some of the most groundbreaking inventions that have shaped our … Read more

What Is A Good DAT Score? Everything You Need To Know

Many colleges and universities use computer-based tests to judge a student’s ability to study a particular curriculum. More than sixty medical schools in the US and Canada use the DAT or the dental admission test scores to determine a student’s eligibility for admission to the medal college. Every year many aspiring dentists take the DAT … Read more

What is SQM Club and its Important Benefits?

international sqm club facts

As a race, we only have one planet to call home, a planet we share with numerous other forms of life. While we are greatly outnumbered as a species, us humans have managed to separate ourselves from the rest and are now de facto leaders that can either make the planet a better place to … Read more