How Long Does It Take To Get Rid Of A Rodent Infestation?

What’s that covered in scales, weighs between 0.5-1 ounces, has a long tail, sharp teeth, and large ears, and is a light brown or grey furry creature? Yes, you guessed it right, it’s the notorious house rats and mice.

These rodents not only create a mess around the households with the biting but also knabbing, gnawing, nibbling, and cropping the objects that come their way. If that is not enough, they also are potent carriers of several diseases, such as bubonic plague, leptospirosis etc., through their scat or feces, urine, or saliva. These droppings are contaminated with high-risk germs and bacteria and can infect the whole surroundings, including food items, furniture, fabric or paper.

In this article, you will find some advice and guidance to deal with if you ever encounter such an infestation.

Fundamentals To Tackle Rodent Infestation


If annoying little pests infest your house and you find it challenging to reduce their population on your own. Then it would be best if you were looking to recruit licensed professionals to keep these out of your home.

Visit and connect with, which offers rodent control service, attic cleaning, or insulation services, and helps people keep rodents out of their homes for good. Other than professional assistance, the whole procedure of getting rid of the rodent infestation involves three fundamental strategies to prevent and deal with this influx:

Seal Up:

Where you take all the measures to prevent infestation in your home and other establishments—sealing the unguarded entry points through metal meshes, the other way is to remove rodent attractions such as food dropping or shelter around the kitchen corners, cabinets, back of the fridge, and microwave or under the sink, and fill the holes and cracks around doors or windows.

Trap Up:


If you are confident that your home or office is infested with rats or mice, your next goal is you will need to reduce the rodent population. You may try a combination of preventative actions and treatment alternatives to chucking them out. This treatment includes removing their easy access to food, water, and entrance to your home. Some treatment options and traps include snap traps, electronic traps, glue traps, etc.

Another technique for dealing with these infestations is using rodenticides, which include different types of poisons to kill rodents. This technique is also widely used in households when for severe infestation. Here the poison is mixed with some food items and kept at a few locations where these rats often wander. When a rat consumes such rodenticide, it starts showing lethal reactions to it, resulting in their lives ending.

Clean Up:

The next stage is to clean up the rodent wastes and debris properly. After you start noticing that you don’t hear the rats any longer, as well as the rodent droppings disappearing, without your cleaning up, it is an indication that the mice are gone.

Once this happens, you must dump all their mess into a trash bin or flush it into the toilet. Next, you must disinfect the whole area of infestation and remove rodents with the high-quality anti-bacterial cleaner to ensure that there are no residual germs and toxins left behind.

How Long Does It Take To Get Rid Of Mice Infestation?


Although it is majorly determined by the degree of the infestation that has occurred, typically speaking, it takes around 1 to 3 months for exterminators to remove the mice. The varying degree of level of infestation governs the time and effort taken to wipe off the influx completely.

It usually takes around four days for the bait to trigger the effect; meanwhile, the resident will start noticing the depletion in their population. As treatment effects escalate, the more their population will start lessening in the next few weeks.

While taking professional assistance to the issue, a team of trained technicians inspects and thoroughly studies the magnitude of infestation at your premises and then takes necessary measures to control them effectively. These licensed pest control professionals offer state-of-the-art and effective procedures for rodent control.

For A Residential Neighborhood:

It might take around six weeks and a few follow-up services from rodent control professionals if you are located in a typical residential neighborhood. Around a crowded neighborhood, these rats might find their uninterrupted supply of food and multiple shelters to escape, hide and procreate their numbers. Hence, more vigil action must be taken.

For A Countryside Location:

If you are located in the countryside or on a farm, then the infestation of mice will be a more severe and ongoing issue. Since there are several opening and hiding options available to them to breed and sufficient food supply, a monthly rodent program is what you will require as a solution.

Few Decent Tips To Keep Mice At Bay


Having A Cat As A Pet:

This might seem a little funny and odd, but the straightaway danger that alarms the mice is the presence of its perpetual enemy, but this trick can only work if there is no case of cat allergy in your family.

Using Steel Wool:

It is advised that If you use steel wool to enclose the slit spaces, over vents, openings to chimneys, etc., the chances of rats trimming down due to the risk of getting hurt.

Essential Oils:

Placing a dehumidifier with essential oils keeps the attics, basements, air conditioning duct and other crawl spaces dry and well-ventilated, making them less appealing for the rats.

Using Sealant And Cement

Whenever you find proofing and holes, it’s time to block them with sealant or cement, which the mice cannot chew off.


When it comes to preventing infectious diseases that are spread by rodents, it’s best to practice effective rodent control in and around your surroundings. Several easy methods can be implemented if cautious that would prevent infestation.

Still, even after the influx occurs, multiple methods are available to get rid of these rodents. But it would be best to remain aware of your spilled food, water supply, and openings around your house to keep these unwanted rodents at bay.