Exploring the Less Glamorous Side of Working at a Casino

People have a soft spot for games of chance, but there’s an underbelly to the casino industry that rarely gets brought up: stress and & hardships of managing the career. Do you gamble quite often, and have you ever wondered what it’s like on the other side? Although casinos can provide a fun evening and … Read more

What Kind of AI is Used in Online Casino Games?

There’s no denying the popularity of online casinos today. Many players love their chance at winning big jackpots or even getting paid to play certain games. One thing they don’t love though is seeing the same game repeated over and over again in endless loops. It seems online casinos are always looking for ways to … Read more

What is the Difference Between Croupier and Dealer?

Have you been wondering about what it’s like to work in a casino? Well, these jobs can be quite exciting and lucrative. However, what most often bothers all those who would like to work in a casino is finding the right position that suits them. Most venues are like resorts and have everything you could … Read more

Is There a Bigger Gambling City Than Las Vegas?

Today we have the internet. It connects people. We all share space and time on the web. Thus we all see and hear the same things no matter where we’re located. Thanks to Hollywood culture when we think about gambling the first association is Las Vegas. Indeed, this Nevada city is the Mecca of gambling … Read more

Are 2 Months Enough to Write a Dissertation?

Writing a dissertation can be a challenging and time-consuming job, but many people often get carried away and think about how they can finish it in a matter of weeks. Now, even though doing so is more than possible, there are many other things to keep in mind and consider before making such a bold … Read more

How Rare is It to Get a Jackpot in a Slot Machine?

Slot games are undoubtedly the right choice for all those who do not want to put a lot of mental effort into the game, but still want to relax, have fun, and earn money if they are lucky. Players do not need any previous experience to play the game, which will require them to do … Read more