Traveling is always exciting and you will see that people from all over the globe do it frequently, for a variety of reasons. The two most important reasons are tourism and business. Whenever you are in a new country, you are about to embark on a long journey of understanding the local culture. When you go on a business trip, then you will not have too much time for exploring.
So, you need to make every second count. The best way you can do that is to save the time you would spend commuting. With that in mind, you should avoid using public transport. On the other side, paying for a taxi is too expensive. To save as much money as possible, and still be able to save time, you should rent a car.
Let’s say that you are about to visit Greece’s island Crete during the holiday season and you need a car rental. If you don’t know where to start looking for a vehicle, then you should look at Today, we want to provide you with both sides of the coin and talk about both pros and cons of renting a car in Crete.

First, we would like to take a look at the positive sides of this approach.
1. Accessibility
There are countless rental companies out there, and you will need to search through a high number of them before you choose the ones that fit your needs and preferences. These days, going through all the options out there has become much more accessible than ever, especially after the introduction of the internet. Plus, this is a major touristic spot, so it has a lot of these.
Since there are so many of them to choose from, you will certainly have a hard time navigating through all of them. To do that, you must understand all the major points regarding the choice you can make. You will certainly agree that accessibility has a major role in establishing your opinion about a certain subject.
2. Flexibility
The next benefit we would like to point out is flexibility. When you are about to rent a vehicle you certainly have in mind that you can move around as much as possible without any problems. You will be able to preserve as much of your time since you will not need to commute by public transportation, which always takes up a lot of time.
Sure, you can manage properly by making a proper schedule, and taking public transportation, but you will admit that this is a harder way. Besides that renting a vehicle is a better way than taking a taxi. Not only that it is a cheaper option, but will provide you with the much-needed flexibility you need to visit all the places you will want.
3. Affordability

Since the competition is pretty steep in this line of work, it means that you can expect the competition in rates as well. By going through all the options at your disposal, it will become easier for you to find the rate that complements your needs or preferences. Of course, you will need to commit to a certain time before you can come across the best one.
Besides having a lot of options at your disposal, you will have a chance to select between a wide array of different options that will help will knocking the price even lower. Since the competition is so steep, it makes sense that companies will try to lower their prices and offer significant discounts to their clients. With that in mind, you will see that this is a major benefit.
Now that we know the good side of the approach, let’s check out the cons.
1. Strict Terms
You will find that so many companies have strict rules when it comes to how you should treat the vehicle. Of course, we are not talking solely about the fact that you will need to fill the tank before you return the vehicle. We are talking about many stricter rules many clients would think about as necessary, which can be a reason for clients to reject the offer.
We can all agree that these rules are made with the safety of the vehicle in mind. Still, some of them can be too strict, and penalties for not delivering can be quite hefty. Before you sign anything, it is an absolute must for you to read the contract as carefully as possible.
2. Insurance

One of the biggest disadvantages of renting a vehicle, no matter what location we are talking about, is getting the proper insurance. It is quite a big problem since insurance can be quite hefty, especially if we are talking about costly vehicles that come with a lot of features.
Depending on the deal, you can pay some hefty penalties if you breach some clauses in the agreement you have signed. For that reason, it is an absolute must to read the insurance as carefully as possible. It wouldn’t hurt you to hire a professional to go through the contract before you sign.
3. Possible Limitations
Even though many car rental companies out there offer their clients a wide array of different vehicles to choose from, you will see that their number is pretty low when compared to those who are limited in their offers. Even though this might not seem like a big limitation, it can be, depending on what kind of service you expect.
Let’s say that you are interested in visiting some locations in Crete, and those locations can be reached only by a certain sort of vehicle. When you can’t find the proper vehicle to achieve that, it can be quite a headache. In that case, you will need to seek another company that can provide you with the right ones.
Exploring the place you visit at your own pace is exceptionally important. In this article of ours, we’re talking about Crete, and what are the pros and cons of renting the vehicle while you are on the island.